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In Colorado, two rural co-ops are leading the charge on electric vehicles

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  3. In Colorado, two rural co-ops are leading the charge on electric vehicles
Energy News Network 

As Colorado seeks to encourage adoption of electric vehicles, two rural cooperatives are charging ahead where other utilities have so far hung back.

The co-ops, both located in mountainous, resort-oriented areas, say transportation electrification benefits their members and hence lie within the traditional realm of co-op responsibilities. One has gone so far as to offer loaner cars for test drives.

But for co-ops, as well as for other utilities, EVs represent opportunity to grow demand and sales that has been flattened in recent years by advances in energy efficiency. This growth can then be used to justify additional investments in renewable energy.

“The whole objective of rural co-operatives is to serve the needs of its members. A lot of our members are very interested in using more clean energy, including clean electricity to power their vehicles,” says Bryan Hannegan, chief executive of Holy Cross Energy.

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