Battery energy storage systems are an effective way to be able to keep your home powered during an outage—and Power+FLEX will help offset some of the cost of your system.
Since extended power outages are rare, Power+FLEX also allows you to maximize the benefit from your batteries on other days of the year. By letting us optimize the charging and discharging of your battery during times of high energy demand or renewable energy oversupply, you’ll earn a bill credit for helping us reduce our wholesale power costs.
That saves everyone money, supports clean energy, and helps build energy resilience throughout our service territory.
You are eligible to apply for Power+FLEX after your battery system is fully installed.
“I couldn’t be more excited about the program. During the summer months my Powerwalls and solar take care of my house power needs 100%. In the fall, the Powerwalls help supplement, but I still require grid power. The program is great to be majority self-powered and helps the grid with capacity to feed power. I would highly recommend this Power+ to anyone and think everyone should sign up because it is a great deal for homeowners.”
For Power+FLEX, what happens when HCE charges and discharges your batteries?
How often will HCE be taking the stored energy from my batteries?
Will HCE initiate charging of my batteries, and if so, when?
Can I request that HCE leave me with more than 20% stored power when they pull for a peak event?
Do I have full control over my battery system when HCE is neither charging nor discharging my batteries?