HCE President and CEO Bryan Hannegan was a featured guest in the latest episode of Trailblazers, a podcast that explores digital disruption and innovators using tech to enable human progress – at your own pace.
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HCE President and CEO Bryan Hannegan was a featured guest in the latest episode of Trailblazers, a podcast that explores digital disruption and innovators using tech to enable human progress – at your own pace.
Listen on Stitcher or Apple Podcast
HCE President and CEO Bryan Hannegan talks about creating the utility of the future on The NetPositive Podcast -providing information and insights in sustainability and the clean energy space. [us_btn label=”click here to listen” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fthenetpositivepodcast.buzzsprout.com%2F1690303%2F9092059-convo-bryan-hannegan-on-creating-the-utility-of-the-future-8-21||target:%20_blank|” style=”32″]
Aspen Times September 10, 2021 by Scott Condon “As part of this project, ACES developed a sustainability team to plan a net-zero building,” ACES said in a news release. That team includes Holy Cross Energy and the Community Office for Resource Efficiency. “ACES’ team plans
Vail Daily August 17, 2021, Vail Daily Staff Report Service station off I-70 exit will offer eight Tesla Superchargers and four universal Electrify America chargers Edwards Station, located directly off Interstate 70 at Exit 163, is installing 12 high-speed electric vehicle supercharging stations this month.
KDNK.org By RALEIGH BURLEIGH • APR 29, 2021 Everything Under The Sun guest Sam Whelan, power supply manager for Holy Cross Energy, talks about the goal to achieve 100% renewable energy sources by 2030. [us_btn label=”Listen here” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kdnk.org%2Fpost%2Fholy-cross-energy-commits-solar-infastructure-locally||target:%20_blank|”] [us_sharing providers=”email,facebook,twitter”]
HCE President and CEO Bryan Hannegan talks about creating the utility of the future on The NetPositive Podcast -providing information and insights in sustainability and the clean energy space. [us_btn label=”click here to listen” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fthenetpositivepodcast.buzzsprout.com%2F1690303%2F9092059-convo-bryan-hannegan-on-creating-the-utility-of-the-future-8-21||target:%20_blank|” style=”32″]
Aspen Times September 10, 2021 by Scott Condon “As part of this project, ACES developed a sustainability team to plan a net-zero building,” ACES said in a news release. That team includes Holy Cross Energy and the Community Office for Resource Efficiency. “ACES’ team plans
Vail Daily August 17, 2021, Vail Daily Staff Report Service station off I-70 exit will offer eight Tesla Superchargers and four universal Electrify America chargers Edwards Station, located directly off Interstate 70 at Exit 163, is installing 12 high-speed electric vehicle supercharging stations this month.
KDNK.org By RALEIGH BURLEIGH • APR 29, 2021 Everything Under The Sun guest Sam Whelan, power supply manager for Holy Cross Energy, talks about the goal to achieve 100% renewable energy sources by 2030. [us_btn label=”Listen here” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kdnk.org%2Fpost%2Fholy-cross-energy-commits-solar-infastructure-locally||target:%20_blank|”] [us_sharing providers=”email,facebook,twitter”]
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