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Board of Directors Elections

Engage with your co-op. Every member has a voice.
Nominate yourself for the Board

Typically February-April

Vote for your Board of Directors

Typically May-June

Attend the Annual Meeting & Election

Typically held in June

As a Holy Cross Energy member, your involvement is essential to the health of the co-op.

You have a voice and the right to vote for your Board of Directors.

Directors serve four-year terms and are elected by the entire Membership. The election schedule follows a four-year pattern to elect Directors from the following districts:

  • 2025: Northern District & Southern District
  • 2026: Northern District & Southern District
  • 2027: Northern District & Western District
  • 2028: Northern District only

How to run for a Board seat

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Eligible candidates must have been a member of HCE for at least two years immediately prior to that year’s Annual Meeting, reside in the district in which they are seeking election, and have no conflict of interest.

It is important to review HCE’s Bylaws regarding directors (beginning on page 4) and the corporate policy regarding board matters. A general overview of board member qualifications, time commitments, responsibilities, and compensation can also be downloaded here

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Complete the Self Nomination Form. HCE will then create a webpage with an online petition for HCE members, who reside in your District, to sign in support of your nomination. Within 5 business days, we will email you a Candidate Packet containing the following:

  • A link to your online petition page
  • A link to the candidate forum questionnaire
  • A background check authorization form
  • A self-certification for Board compliance form
  • A request for a 250-word bio
  • A request for a headshot

You can also pick up a hard copy of the Candidate Packet at our Glenwood Springs headquarters.

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Email the provided link to other members living in your District and ask for their support by signing your petition.

Once you have collected your signatures, we will then verify that they are all from “members of record”.

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The following will need to be submitted on time for a candidate to be listed on the ballot.

  • 15 petition signatures must be submitted and verified
  • Signed authorization for a background check
  • Signed certification for Board compliance
  • Candidate questionnaire completed online
  • 250-word biography
  • Headshot

Board service overview

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The HCE Bylaws, Article IV, Directors, Section 2 addresses director qualifications in detail. Please review the bylaws and, specifically, this section carefully. A director candidate must comply with many general qualifications/requirements, including:

  • You must be a member of HCE for at least two years prior to election as a director.
  • A director must permanently reside and use electric energy provided by HCE at a residence within the director district from which you are nominated.
  • Attend at least 10 of the 12 monthly meetings of directors within any 12-month period.
  • Once becoming a director, obtain a Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) designation within three years of becoming a director. The CCD program is a basic, five-day training/educational program for new directors, provided through our national trade organization. The CCD classes can be taken one day at a time or all five at once at locations within the United States.
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Board Districts


We hold an election annually for one or two seats on our Board of Directors. 

As an HCE member, you have a voice and the right to vote.

Members now have four different ways to vote:

1. By Mail

Mail back the paper ballot you receive in the mail.

2. Online

Vote online using the unique credentials emailed to you or printed on your mailed paper ballot.

3. SmartHub

Vote by logging into your SmartHub account.

4. In-person

Vote in person at our Annual Meeting.