Keep equipment clear of snow
Snow is a wonderful thing, but sometimes we get more than we know what to do with. Please remember to be conscious of our pad-mounted equipment, particularly transformers, when you are removing snow from your streets, driveways or sidewalks. While we don’t expect people to dig out their transformer every time it snows, we would request that snow not be plowed in front of them.
Once the snow has been plowed, it turns into ice and greatly increases the time required to gain access to the transformer. This in turn lengthens the time of the outage.
We ask that you not bury them under snow. Our crews need unobstructed access to our equipment for maintenance and outage responses. So, please help us help you and pile snow elsewhere to leave plenty of room for our linemen to work.

Slow down and make room for roadside crews
Let’s work together to keep everyone safe on our roadways. If you’re driving and see our crews on the side of the road, we kindly ask that you slow down, move over, if possible, and give our crews the extra space needed to do their work and stay safe. We care deeply about the safety of all and this extra precaution to be mindful as you travel can save a life.
Utility crews aren’t the only ones who could use the extra space. Our First responders, police officers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians often find themselves responding to emergency situations near busy roadways. Again, be mindful as you approach, slow down and move over to help keep these crews safe.

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